Frequently Asked Questions

Why was my card ‘rejected’ at a participating merchant?
Most likely, your purchase exceeded the amount available on the gift card. This can be remedied by asking the merchant to ring in your other form of payment (for the difference) before swiping the gift card.
Where can Downtown Easton Gift Cards be purchased?
Online: (24 hours a day / 7 days a week)
What payment Type(s) are accepted?
Online: MasterCard, Visa, Discover & American Express
In what amounts can the gift cards be purchased?
The cards can be purchased in any denomination from $5 to $500. Limited denominations are offered online, but reach out to for custom amounts.
Can the gift cards be purchased online?
Yes! Click here to purchase.
Is there a fee to purchase a gift card?
There is a $2.00 activation fee per card.
(There are shipping charges if you would like the card mailed.)
Where is the gift card accepted?
The gift card is accepted at over 40 Downtown Easton businesses. For a complete list of participating merchants, click here.
How can I find the available balance on my gift card?
Call the number on the back of your card or check
Can I re-load the gift card by putting more money on it?
No, the gift card is not re-loadable. However, returns and credits can be applied.
Can other forms of payment be used with the gift card when making a purchase?
Yes. The customer should inform the cashier how much to deduct from the gift card and how much to deduct from the other payment method(s).
Can the gift card be used at an ATM, “Pay at the Pump Gasoline” or gratuities?
No. The gift card cannot be used at ATMs, Pay at Pump Gasoline or for tips or gratuities.
Can the gift card be used online, for mail orders or phone order purchases?
No. The gift card will decline if these types of purchases are attempted.